New types of combined oral contraceptives (containing both
lower doses of estrogens and newer progestogens) are
associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer, in young
women. The results show that this positive effect
strengthened with longer periods of use and persisted for
several years after stopping, providing important
reassurance for women, say the researchers. At least 100
million women worldwide are using hormonal contraception
every day. Previous research has shown a reduced risk of
ovarian cancer in women who take combined oral
contraceptives, but most of the evidence relates to the use
of older products, containing higher levels of estrogen and
older progestogens. Women who use newer oral contraceptives
and other hormonal contraceptive methods also want to know
whether they are likely to experience the same benefit. Researcher influenced of newer hormonal
contraceptives (combined and progestogen-only products) on
overall and specific types of ovarian cancer in women of
reproductive age. After taking account of several factors,
including age and parity, the researchers found that the
number of cases of ovarian cancer were highest in women who
had never used hormonal contraception (7.5 per 100,000
person years), whereas among women who had ever used
hormonal contraception, the number of cases of ovarian
cancer were 3.2 per 100,000 person years. There was no firm
evidence to suggest any protective effect among women who
used progestogen-only products; although the researchers
point out that few women were exclusive users of these
products. The reduced risk for combined products was seen
with nearly all types of ovarian cancer, and there was
little evidence of important differences between products
containing different types of progestogens. Similar results
were also found among women followed up to their first
switch in contraceptive type. Based on these figures, the
researchers say that hormonal contraception prevented an
estimated 21% of ovarian cancers in this group of women.
This is an observational study, so no firm conclusions can
be drawn about cause and effect, but they do support the
findings of studies of older products. Based on our results,
contemporary combined hormonal contraceptives are still
associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer in women of
reproductive age, with patterns similar to those seen with
older combined oral products said by lead researcher. Lead
researcher said that, Based on results, contemporary
combined hormonal contraceptives are still associated with a
reduced risk of ovarian cancer in women of reproductive age,
with patterns similar to those seen with older combined oral
products & reduced risk seems to persist after stopping use,
although the duration of benefit is uncertain. Presently,
there is insufficient evidence to suggest similar protection
among exclusive users of progestogen-only products. |