Cyperin® is a synthetic pyrethroid, used as an insecticide in large-scale commercial agricultural applications. It is an emulsifiable concentrate contact and stomach insecticide for the control of various insects. It is a synthetic chemical similar to the pyrethrins in pyrethrum extract (which comes from the chrysanthemum plant). Pyrethroids, including cypermethrin were designed to be effective longer than pyrethrins. It behaves as a fast-acting neurotoxin in insects. It is easily degraded on soil and plants but can be effective for weeks when applied to indoor inert surfaces
Dosage & Administration:
▪ Mango Hopper- 10ml/10L of water
▪ Brinjal Fruit and Shoot borer- 10ml/ 10L of water
▪ Cotton bollworm- 10ml/10L of water
50 ml, 100 ml, and 400 ml