Envit-C® Liquid

Excellent Natural Vitamin C
Vitamin-C Supplement (Water Soluble Nutrients)

Envit-C® liquid is indicated for Vitamin C deficiency, stress, gastritis, supportive treatment in coccidiosis, debeaking, healing of ulcers, burn, fracture, prevention of gout, development of immunity etc. It is especially valuable in tuberculosis of lungs, respiratory distress, bronchitis etc. It also acts as an antioxidant and prevents ageing.

Dosage & Administration:
2-3 ml / litre of drinking water (0.4 ml Envit-C® liquid /kg b.wt.) daily for 3-4 consecutive days.

Large animal:
4 ml Envit-C® liquid per 10 kg body weight daily for 3-4 consecutive days.

100ml & 1 Liter

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