Avian Influenza (H9N2) virus, in order to reduce respiratory and ocular clinical signs, to prevent mortality, to improve bodyweight gain, and to limit viral excretion.
Newcastle Disease virus, in order to protect against clinical signs, to prevent mortality, and to preserve egg production.
Dosage & Administration:
Administer a 0.2 ml dose by subcutaneous route for chickens between 1 and 10 days of age or a 0.3 ml dose by intramuscular route for chickens after 10 days of age. It is recommended for use in broiler chickens, breeder and layer pullets according to the following vaccination schedule commonly used:
In broiler & Sonali chickens: at one day old in the hatchery or around 7 days old in the field.
In breeder and layer pullets:
Low challenge area: 4-8 weeks of age and 2-4 weeks before the expected onset of lay.
High challenge area: 1-10 days of age, 6-8 weeks of age and 2-4 weeks before the expected onset of lay.
The veterinarian can adjust the vaccination schedule according to the local epidemiological status.